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Announcing RFP for Sierra City-Sattley Fuels Projecct

Fire Safe Sierra County -- consistent with the Sierra County Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Sierra County Local Hazard Mitigation Plan, and California’s Wildfire and Forest Resilience Action Plan -- proposes to reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfire and improve forest health and resilience through implementation of shaded fuel breaks within and adjacent to the communities of Sierra City and Sattley within Sierra County.

Project objectives include:

  1. Creation of fuel breaks upon 400 acres within and adjacent to Sierra City and Sattley, adjacent to the arterial evacuation route for the communities,

  2. reduce wildfire’s risk to human health and safety,

  3. reduce the risk of adverse wildfire effects and potential fire behavior (flame length, intensity, rate of spread, duration) through reduction of fuel loading and arrangement within the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) Defense and Threat Zones, and

  4. improve public safety during a wildfire event by removal and modification of fuels within the State Route 49 corridor, the critical ingress/egress route and sole evacuation route for the community’s residents.

Expected outcomes of the “Sierra City – Sattley Fuels Reduction Project” include creation of 400 acres of fuel break amongst two communities as identified in the Sierra County CWPP utilizing a combination of fuel treatment methods including thinning from below, selective tree removal, mastication, and hand thinning techniques.

Firesafe Sierra County’s goal is to treat 150 acres in Sierra City and 250 acres in Sattley. The RPF will be responsible to conduct site visits on all potential sites, prioritize treatment areas, develop site-specific prescriptions, submit necessary CEQA documentation, as well as oversee implementation and conduct before and after photo monitoring. Project funding is provided by a CalFire Wildfire Prevention grant. As such CEQA is required for all project activities.

RFP DEADLINE: 5pm PST, March 22, 2024.

Send bids to:

Rodd Rummel c/o Firesafe Sierra County PO Box 124 Downieville, CA 95936 (530) 994-2266

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